Today was my first lesson back from the break. I am now officially Mrs. Taggart instead of Miss Bourne and that gave the kids mouths something fun to practice. Today we talked and danced about verbs and adverbs. I first had them run, jump, skip, leap, walk, skitter, etc all over the room. I then asked if it was fun. They all said "YES BECAUSE WE GOT TO MOVE!" reinforcing in my mind how necessary it is to have creative dance in elementary schools. I explained that all of these moving words or action words are verbs. We practiced saying VERB about a million times and some kids really caught on. I then told the story of King ING and Queen LY. (a story my mom and others learned from Virginia Tanner)

The kings subjects are all verbs like walk, skip, jump etc. and the Queens are all adverbs like happy, quick, wiggle etc. The king and queen fall in love and join kingdoms so when the verbs meet the adverbs they become walkING quickLY and skippING happiLY. The kids didn't know what a few of my words were so I really needed to go through them and make sure they were age appropriate. All in all though they had fun running around and acting out many things. Kindergarteners are a whole different breed and its exciting trying to get to know how to teach them!