Thursday, March 15, 2012


Today we began exploring our class story. It takes place in a forest so I decided to teach my forest relationship lesson. They learned words like over, under, around, through, on, off, above, below, far, near, beside, between, in, and out.

We began the class by playing simon says. I had them put their hand over their head, their foot between their hands, and stand beside another person. They were having a good time and liked it. We talked about relationships in the simplest way saying how our body parts can have relationships with each other.

My first mistake came when I had the kids imagine a forest as I described it. I don't think they are able to do that. I should have had them move as I described it to them, I should have taken them on a journey through the forest as they moved, rather than imagined it. I then had them create a class forest and (realizing I should have done this all along) walked them through the forest. They became a caterpillar in a cocoon, then turned into a beautiful butterfly. They flew over, under, between and landed on the tree branch. I then had the boys become trees and the girls become deer. vise versa. The kids had fun then I began to loose them. They were no longer exploring but running around like crazy children. I knew they had had enough so I cooled them down and finished the class.

I need to understand how to be age appropriate and to keep them interested. I can't give such young kids so much freedom or else they will no longer be exploring they will be just mindlessly running around.


Today we had fun with the alphabet!
We reviewed all of the upper-case letters and noticed how some letters are very straight with bends and some are very curvy. I had the kids explore straight and curved shapes. I wish I would have started out the class with more structure and had them follow me so they knew in more detail what I expected of them. The we talked through specific letters and really made some fun shapes with them.

After the explorations I taught them a small sequence to the name SAM. They curved for 8 counts through the space then made three class straight shapes for the M they made a very strong shape and then started the sequence all over. I had a fun sing song to the sequence so they knew what to to, it went something like this "curving curving curving curving like and upper case S, Upper-----Case-------A, M-MMMMMMMMMM" then it was repeated.

The kids enjoyed the class. I needed to start more simple and structured rather than having them just explore the entire time!