Space was a concept I needed to teach this wonderfulclass. The space we had to dance in was the classroom however so we didn't have much space to move. We moved all of the tables and carpet to have some space. We began with our first element of space: LEVELS. This was one of our locomotor (traveling) exercises for the class. They have been working with snowmen so I made a few posters to help them understand high, medium, and low levels.



We taveled across the floor and worked on our quiet voices. One thing the students struggled with was originality, they all copied each other. I challenged the children to use their creative minds to be more different than anyone else in the class. I had many kids really work on being original which made me really happy.
Our next concept was SHAPES. This was our axial (non traveling) part of class. I had them travel out into the space and choose their perfect spot. I would have them explore each shape and have them explore the shapes on different levels as well. The kids really loved making all sorts of shapes.



Our next element of space was PATHWAYS. I had the students get into one long line (like they are used to when walking from classroom to classroom) and follow me as we moved in the different pathways. This was fun and I challenged them to be quieter than the other students. Another game for the students was a guessing game. I called up about 5 students at a time and very seriously told them what pathway they were to travel in. They HAD to keep it a secret. The "watching eyes" (or students who were watching) had to pay close attention to what type of pathway the dancers were moving in. All the students were very quiet and paid close attention.



We reviewed all that we had learned that day and I left my posters with them to hang up in the classroom. I can see the children becoming a little more comfortable moving in front of each other. They are trying to be more and more creative and really allowing themselves to do what THEY want, not what their friends are doing. I would say that today was a successful class!
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