Today we had fun with the alphabet!

We reviewed all of the upper-case letters and noticed how some letters are very straight with bends and some are very curvy. I had the kids explore straight and curved shapes. I wish I would have started out the class with more structure and had them follow me so they knew in more detail what I expected of them. The we talked through specific letters and really made some fun shapes with them.
After the explorations I taught them a small sequence to the name SAM. They curved for 8 counts through the space then made three class straight shapes for the M they made a very strong shape and then started the sequence all over. I had a fun sing song to the sequence so they knew what to to, it went something like this "curving curving curving curving like and upper case S, Upper-----Case-------A, M-MMMMMMMMMM" then it was repeated.
The kids enjoyed the class. I needed to start more simple and structured rather than having them just explore the entire time!
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